Saturday, October 15, 2011

Unboxing Apple iPhone 4s

iPhone 4s Box Top
Hard to tell that there's anything different about this iPhone from the box alone.

Apple iPhone 4s Box Side View
Look closely and you can see the shiny "4S" on the side of the box, which is the exact same dimensions as the old iPhone 4 box.

Apple iPhone 4S in The Box
Lift the lid and there's the iPhone 4S, looking just like it's iPhone 4 cousin. Apple has changed nothing about how it packages this product.

iPhone 4s iCloud Sticker
Ah, what's this? The first indication that things are different here. The little iCloud logo.

iPhone 4s Box Back
Can't find anything surprising or special on the back of the box. It does warn that some features require an Apple ID.

Inside the iPhone 4S Box
The rest of the iPhone 4S gear sits underneath the phone. There's a power adapter, cable and headphones.

Holding the iPhone 4S
The phone feels like it weighs the same as my iPhone 4 from Verizon. This despite the fact that my phone has just 16 GB and the 4S has 64 GB of storage space.

iPhone 4S and Verizon iPhone 4 (bottom edges)
Direct comparisons on the iPhone 4S (on the left) and the Verizon iPhone 4 on the don't offer any clues to major differences. Same two screws. Same speaker. Same microphone.

iPhone 4S and Verizon iPhone 4 (side one)
When Apple introduced the Verizon iPhone 4 (on the right), it moved the buttons ever-so slightly from their position on the AT&T iPhone 4. It also changed the antenna bands around the phone. The iPhone 4S on the left has basically that same new design. This means all Verizon iPhone cases will fit the new 4S.

iPhone 4S and Verizon iPhone 4 (side two)
Here's a look at the other side of the two phones. The iPhone 4S is on the left. Note the lack of a removable SIM card slot cover on the older iPhone 4 on the right.

iPhone 4s and AT+T iPhone 4 (side)
This time we lined up the iPhone 4S (left) with an AT&T iPhone 4. Note the differences in the toggle button and the antenna bands.

iPhone 4s and AT+T iPhone 4 (backs)
Good luck seeing any differences between the iPhone 4S on the left and the AT&T iPhone 4 on the right.

Do You Want to Use Siri
I love that the iPhone 4S asked me if I even wanted to use the voice-recognition system. Yes. Yes I do.

iOS 5 Welcome Screen
This new iOS 5 welcome screen is pretty classy -- and brand new.

iPhone 4S Language Setup
The iPhone 4S defaulted to English.

iPhone 4S Location Activiation
Some of Siri's best features work when it can recognize if you've entered or left a certain geographic area. So I activated this feature.

iPhone 4S Sign In
As the box noted, some features require an Apple ID sign-in.

Siri's Answer to Who is Steve Jobs
This was probably the third question I asked Siri. It showed me this page.

There is a certain joy in unboxing virtually any gadget for the first time, but Apple raised the event to an art form with its always stylish packaging. The Apple iPhone 4S box, though, doesn’t mark any new style breakthroughs.
Apple’s signature white box is a doppelganger for the iPhone 4 packaging. Inside, the phone looks and feels like the previous iPhone 4. This gallery’s comparison photos bear that out. Setup, though is a bit different, thanks to iOS 5. There’s a large, gray-patterned “Welcome” screen and that motif carries through until you have the phone ready to go. Those of you who downloaded the mobile operating system on Oct. 12 and updated your older devices are probably already familiar with these screens.

Once you’re done with initial setup, you can dive into the iPhone 4S device’s newest toy: Siri: The intelligent Assistant. This voice-recognition system works pretty much right out of the box. The first question I asked it (by popular demand) was “When is the iPhone 5 coming out?” Siri’s first answer was that I didn’t have anything on my calendar for at 5 p.m. The second attempt fared better though and Siri told me, “Everything you need to know about Apple products is at Apple’s website.” Below the response, which it both spoke and printed on the screen for me, was Apple’s URL. Later I asked Siri, “Why are you so cool?” Its response: “I just am.”

Most of Siri’s responses came quite quickly and Apple execs explained to me that it’ll actually improve over time as it personalizes for my voice (I can also clear this personalization, if I choose). More interesting is that Siri will crowdsource to eventually improve for all users.


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