Sunday, October 25, 2009

HOW-TO: Automatically Detect Cross-Browser Problems & Scripting Errors on Your Website

It’s insane if you were to download a dozen of Internet browsers to check your web design on a frequent basis to find out whether there’s anything wrong with the layout. Also, even though your design works fine in Internet Explorer 8, you still can’t possibly check it out on previous versions such as IE 6 and 5.
There are actually a number of browser compatibility tools out there on the net to help you perform a cross-platform browser test but Browsera is the one that stands out among all. Browsera is a website that allows bloggers or web designers to detect cross-browser problems and scripting errors on their websites automatically without any much hassle.

Different from any other browser compatibility services like Browsershots or IE Netrenderer which merely takes a screenshot of the website, this tool makes use of sophisticated algorithms to analyze your website across multiple browsers and detects unsightly layout issues and JavaScript Errors in a smooth way. Users will get a report detailing which pages have potential problems, and they can quickly see the problems indicated as each screenshot is highlighted in the problematic areas. As for JavaScript errors, Browsera will include them in the report if the browser encounters any scripting errors throughout the process. What’s more is that the browser compatibility tool also provides a a crawling feature which will actually enable you to test the site as a whole.
With Browsera, you can compare your website design across multiple browsers. Currently, the site supports Firefox 2/3/3.5, Internet Explorer 6/7/8, and Safari 3.2/4. Unlike Browsershots, Browsera only allows users to test their website layout in popular web browsers and doesn’t covers those lesser-known ones like Chrome, Opera, and SeaMonkey. The browser compatibility test may take a while to detect the errors and problems, but what’s great is that you need not to keep refreshing the page for the screenshot to load. Once done, a report will be generated documenting the differences in layouts and any scripting errors, and sent to you via e-mail.
Browsera comes in both free and premium services. It’s complimentary plan only allows you to test up to 25 pages, has no login support, and has deferred processing. On the other hand, its premium subscriptions (Basic, Premium & Enterprise) which cost $49, $99 and $499 a month respectively, lets users to check more pages, ranging from 500 pages/month to unlimited.


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