Saturday, July 11, 2009

Status Search: Search your Facebook & Twitter Friends’ Status Updates

statussearchDubbed as “neither a web nor a real-time search engine”, Status Search is a “private” search system which allows users to search their Facebook and Twitter friends’ status updates using any keywords they want, be it “iPhone” or “Iran Election”. This tool would come in really handy if you prefer to search any specific content in your friends’ updates rather than doing it over the web such as Twitter Search.

As fans of Twitter Search, both co-founders Elad Meidar and Lior Levin wanted to do the same search for Facebook one day. However, it’s definitely impossible to do a Facebook status search that searches only your friends. As a result, after thinking a bit about the philosophy of this idea, they had developed a Facebook + Twitter status search. They feel that friends treasure so much valuable information that you should have access to and even confidently said that their newly created search system would an instant killer.


Currently in private beta, users would have to sign up for an account with Status Search and connect their Facebook and Twitter profiles together. You need to worry about your private credentials as you would be connected through Facebook and Twitter itself. Currently, it only supports the two leading social platforms but the folks there are working on supporting more social networks search. The search engine will stay quite simple as it should be but they will constantly add several very cool features on top of that.

So why use Status Search? Actually I’m very impressed by this simple but awesome idea. Most of our mutual friends on Facebook and Twitter are trustworthy and there is so much valuable information in their updates or tweets that searching that data really benefits us. Besides that, it’s good searching for anything you would prefer searching your friends for rather than the web: books, vacations, flights, beer, a party, a job and much more. As of now, Status Search has about 500 users and more then 500 searches a day done on their system.


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