Sunday, May 2, 2010 Free Video Lectures & Talks From Brilliant People

fora-iconIf you think all web video consists of remixed new clipschildren on drugs and cats doing hilarious things you really can’t be blamed: those are the sorts of videos that tend to spread quickly. But web video isn’t all a mindless time-sync; a lot of it is quite educational.
Recently I pointed out the best websites for finding free university courses online, many of which feature video lectures. Watching those certainly wouldn’t be a waste of time, but a chance to better yourself. You can also keep up with the news using a video service called 1Cast.
But perhaps no website’s taught me more than A collection of speeches and lectures from some of the world’s most influential thinkers, is a great site to check out when you want some intellectual stimulation.

Getting Started

video lectures
When you get to the site you’ll see an assortment of current videos, which will typically reflect the issues dominating the news in recent weeks. Videos can range from short 5 minute interviews to the more common half-hour video lectures to talks as long as an hour.
The content reflects a wide variety of philosophies and disciplines, and will sometimes even feature celebrities (such as this one with the Mythbuster guys). You might not always agree with what’s being said, but that’s part of the point: hearing points of views that differ from your own.
video lectures
You can always check one of the recent videos out, but if  none appeal to you don’t worry: there’s lots to see here. You can click one of the categories, including Economy, Environment, Politics, Science, Technology and Culture. Click one of these buttons and you’ll only see video lectures related to that field.
And of course, if you’re looking for something in particular, you can always use the “search” bar right beside these categories.


The video lectures on come from a lot of different sources. Some come from top universities, some come from various political think tanks and others are released by the person speaking. If you want a complete list of the organizations who contribute videos to this impress project, check out’s partners page. You can even find videos from specific organizations.


video lectures
Like the idea of watching video lectures, but wish you could do so on your TV? It’s perfectly possible. All you need is to set up Boxee, the ultimate media center, and you’re halfway there. Then you only need to head over the Boxee App Library (click “Apps,” then bring up the left-menu, then click “App Library“) and you’ll find the Fora.TV app. Click it, then click “Add to App Library” so you’ll have quick access to from your TV.


I love finding web video that not only entertains but also informs. The Internet offers endless amounts of information, so don’t try to use it to better yourself whenever possible!
What do you think? Are the videos on informative, or is there a skew you’d like to point out? Do you prefer watching cartoons? Or is all web video just a waste of time? Commenting contributes to the conversation, so please join!


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