Sunday, February 28, 2010

Yazeem, a Teen Start-Up, Releases an API

Yazzem, a start-up created by a group of teenagers, released an API that will actually make this product go farther. The whole idea behind Yazzem is a place to start a topic, and let others join in the conversation. Incorporate the API into a great program like TweetDeck or a program made by an actual Yazzem user, this start-up will be amazing to use.

Whenever a new product comes out I always try to wait until it is incorporated into a desktop application. My online life is just so busy, I just don’t have room to go to that one extra site. With the release of this API I will be able to use this product a lot more.  Also, imagine this product thrown into an Android or an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch application.
This is a great place to collaborate on ideas, or just share you opinion on a certain topic. I am really excited to see what comes from this API.


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