Saturday, January 23, 2010

Teens in Tech Acquires Yazzem; New Design

Daniel Brusilovsky, CEO of Teens in Tech, announced today that Teens in Tech has acquired the start-up Yazzem, rolling out their new design, and launching the site out of private alpha. Teens in Tech and Yazzem are both owned by teenagers, which makes this story really cool.
Teens in Tech is a site to let teenagers blog about anything, for free. The main goal is to allow teenagers to push media, easily. The service gives you a free blog, running Wordpress. The Wordpress blog allows you to post images, blog posts, videos, and audio. Teens in Tech has 700 members and a huge conference coming next month. They have one of the biggest teen presences on the web.

Started by two 14 year olds named Zachary Collins and Dustin Snider, Yazzem is a website that lets you say something inside of a topic, for Twitter and Friendfeed. The service allows anyone to get engaged in a conversation, in only a 140 characters. Teens in Tech acquired Yazzem for $15,000, which is a pretty big price for a teenage start-up. Daniel has to honestly think Yazzem will play a big part in their blogging service. Daniel says the site is trying to reach a broader range of audiences, other then just teens. The founders of Yazzem will also become part of Teens in Tech’s staff.
Today you will be allowed to register your free blog on Teens in Tech, rolling out of private alpha. The website also launched its new redesign, a much upgrade from the last. The design is very nice and makes browsing a pleasure. The new design allows users to put there own Adsense code into there blog to make money. Premium features are on there way.
It is really awesome that teens can get to together, make great ideas, and other teens can use them. This business isn’t only for adults.


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