Friday, October 23, 2009

What’s so Special about the Nook?

So what do you think of the nook? No, not the corner in your room/basement, Barnes and Nobles new Ebook reader. I think it’s pretty sweet. I kept away from the kindle for 2 reasons – 1. Price. 2. Hardware wasn’t appealing.

The nook runs Anroid. Yes. Android.

The screen is broken up into 2 parts (actually 2 separate screens) The top is the actual book part and the bottom is for typing, and menu’s.

One if the biggest reasons for me to get one (which I am) is the wifi/free books in their stores. So basically if you want to be a book worm, or just cheap, youo can go to one of their stores and read any book for free while you there. I don’t really care whether I’m at home on the couch or at their store in one of the comfy chairs, as long as I can read, I’m good.

It uses At&T’s network. Sadly. Because I literally have no coverage for like 20 sq miles.

Now you can even share you books with friends for up to 14 days! How awesome is that! I don’t know about you guys, but that’s plenty of time to read a book!

So what do you guys think? Like? Hate?

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