Monday, August 16, 2010

Hulu IPO Coming soon

Hulu could be joining the ranks of publicly traded Internet companies as soon as this fall.

Citing “people briefed on the matter,” The New York Times reports that the company is discussing an IPO with a variety of investment banks that would value the joint venture formed in 2007 between News Corp, Walt Disney, NBC Universal and Providence Equity Partners at north of $2 billion.

The move would mark yet another big Internet IPO to surface in recent weeks, following both Demand Media and Skype announcing plans to go public.

Hulu’s revenue is said to be approaching $200-250 million per year, with the company recently adding a “Hulu Plus” service offering a more robust content library and apps for iPhone and iPad.
No other details were immediately available on Hulu’s IPO plans; JitWave has reached out for comment and will update my story with any further information.
Update: A spokesperson for Hulu offered a “we don’t comment on rumors or speculation.”


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