Friday, August 20, 2010

HP confirms webOS tablet for 'early 2011'

I heard HP's Todd Bradley had confidentially told employees that a webOS tablet would arrive in Q1 2011, but now the man's gone on the record in the company's Q3 2010 earnings call. "You'll see us with a Microsoft product out in the near future and a webOS-based product in early 2011," he told investors and analysts in response to a direct question about tablets this afternoon, adding that potential slates were part of the reason HP bought Palm in the first place. Now,I am  not financial experts, but I heard it's typically a good idea not to promise things to your shareholders if you don't intend to deliver. In other words, there's a good bet the PalmPad is actually not an imaginary friend our subconscious created after Mark Hurd's hateful words in June.


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