Thursday, July 1, 2010

Access your Photos & Music from Anywhere with Libox!

liboxIt’s a common requirement. You store all your photos, music and videos on your home computer that you would like to access from other computers or even from your cell phone and other mobile devices that you carry while on the move.

It takes times (not to mention the cost if you are on a metered connection) to upload all these media files to the Internet so if you are looking for something dead-simple that would let you stream media directly from your home computer without having to upload it anywhere, check out Libox.

To get started, all you have to do is install the Libox client on your home computer (it supports both PCs and Macs) and you can then access the media files on that computer from any other computer or mobile phone.
Files inside Libox
There are several other services (see option #3) that offer similar functionality but what makes Libox a little different is that it is designed to handle HD audio and video formats and also allows offline access to your media files on other computers.

You need to install the Libox client on all your computers and the service will automatically sync media across all the various machines (through peer to peer) so you always have access to the files even if the source (home computer) is turned off or if your current computer is not connected to the web.

Libox is completely free and there are no limitations so you can share virtually any number of files and folders with the service. You can currently access your media files on mobile phones through the device browser but they are also coming up with apps for Apple and Android devices later this year so that should make it even more useful.


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