Thursday, June 17, 2010

Microsoft Kinect: Four Motion-Controlled Games [VIDEO]

E3 2010 was all about motion control, and Microsoft kicked off this year’s announcements at its press event early Monday. Out on the show floor the company was showing off several of the 15 launch titles that will accompany Kinect when it comes to retail in North America November 4, and we take a look at them in the video below.

Kinect Adventures, Kinect Joy Ride, Kinectimals and Kinect Sports showcase the concept behind the Kinect system for the Xbox 360 console, which does away with the controller altogether and uses your body to interact with the games. In the four titles shown below, one or more players wave, jump, “drive,” bowl and more using only body motions. It’s similar to what Nintendo did with the Wii console, but obviates the need to hold anything in either hand.

Check out the Kinect video demos below and let me know what you think: Is motion gaming a good new age for gaming? Or are you staunchly committed to your controller?


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