Tuesday, May 11, 2010

New MacBook Air Might Arrive Tomorrow [RUMOR]

According to Australian Macworld, a new version of the MacBook Air may show up in the Apple Online Store tomorrow morning. The same source who correctly predicted the MacBook Pro refresh last month alerted Australian Macworld of a new Apple product number in the Apple database.

The product number, MC516LL/A K87 BETTER BTR-USA, suggests that it is a Mac product (the “BETTER” nomenclature is the big clue there, as it often refers to the different tiers of Mac products). As AppleInsider also notes, it is possible that the number could refer to a new Apple Cinema Display, one that is 27″ and matches that of the 27″ iMac, but we’d place our bets on a new MacBook Air.

This is why:
  • The Macbook Air was last updated in June 2009. Apple rarely lets its product cycles lapse a year (an exception would be the Mac mini prior to March 2009, which went without a refresh for more than 18 months) and a May release for this niche class of notebook would make sense, according to Apple’s update history.
  • Intel is on the verge of releasing both its i3 and i5 ULV processors. These chips are designed to consume very little power, meaning that great battery life in now possible for lightweight devices like the MacBook Air.
  • The new battery technology that Apple introduced in its latest laptop release is screaming for inclusion in the MacBook Air.
    We’ll have to wait and see if this MacBook Air rumor is true or not. If it is, does a refreshed MacBook Air interest you, or are you content with a laptop and iPad/netbook combination? Let us know!


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