Monday, May 24, 2010

I NEED YOUR HELP: Spread The Word!

In most of the emails that you get from me, I try to give you something. Be it a must-have software list, Information of new Technology, or any other daily articles published on; my main goal is to give you something that you will find interesting and useful.
To show you a new technology or a software program which is newly published you can make use of is our number one priority.
This time around, I need something from you. Something really easy and simple. That is to share jitwave articles you find useful with others. That's really the best way for you to show your appreciation for my work.
It's quick and super easy to do.
Simply click one of the sharing buttons at bottom of the screen and vote it up (or share).
 As you can see, there are options to share the article with your friends on Facebook, Twitter (retweet), StumbleUpon and Digg[botton of your screen].
Moreover, there is a 'Share' button which lets you share the article on several other social networks as well as gives you an option to email the link to someone.
You might not realize it but this has a major impact on the popularity of JitWave.
If you're an avid reader and like what we are doing, please make sure to always share the articles you find useful with friends.


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