Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Another Apple Leak: iPod Touch with 2-Megapixel Camera [VIDEO]

Apple’s impenetrable information fortress is crumbling. After several iPhone 4G leaks, another major update to one of its products has made its way to the public before Apple’s official announcement: an iPod touch with a camera. — the same Vietnamese site that brought us a hands-on of an iPhone 4G prototype — now has a device that seems to be an iPod touch prototype. It’s manufactured by Foxconn, with 64GB of memory and a 2-megapixel camera. It also seems to be running some sort of testing software or a diagnostic utility.
Check out a video of the device below.
It is unclear whether this device is an older prototype that never made it to the market, or something entirely new; either way, we’re quite certain that Apple never intended for it to be revealed like this. Either Apple’s secret police is not working as well as it did before, or maybe it’s just getting harder for everyone to keep information private in the age of Facebook and Twitter.


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