Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Reddynote – A Collaborative To-Do List On Steroids

With the bustling and disorganized lives of nerds and busy people worldwide, those little mental notes just don’t suffice anymore. Most likely, you don’t sporadically forget about stuff, but do it all the time.
What you’re looking for is a task manager, and at best a digital one. Sure, a little notebook or cell phone schedule goes a long way, but that’ll prove either way impractical or insufficiently powerful.
A still better alternative would be a web application. After all, you can’t forget a task manager in the cloud. Besides, it’s easy to organize and stunningly powerful, yet still as free as they come. Yes, we’re most definitely talking about Reddynote.

Reddynote – An Easy & Powerful Collaborative To-Do List

If you’re looking for more than a simple to-do list, rather a diverse task manager, Reddynote is the collaborative todo list app you’re looking for. At the core, Reddynote is a simple task list. Although, “personal workspace” sounds a lot more appropriate. After all, the application also allows you to tag, label, group, collaborate and even search these tasks.
collaborative todo list
At the main Reddynote screen, you can instantly see your task inbox. These show the latest entries, or some that are nearly expiring. All in all, it’s a good place to start the rest of your day. You can instantly see your tasks’ tags, process, and due date. After expanding them, you can view any relevant notes, or edit the previously mentioned data.
Next, you can click and drag some of the tasks to one of the folders on the the left hand side of the screen. Today should hold the tasks you’re intending upon completing shortly, and Postponedcan hide others that don’t mind a little delay.
collaborative todo listOn the right side of the screen, you can instantly search for tasks that are a bit lost in the clutter. However, the search option only takes the name of the task under consideration, and ignores any other tasks. In the above example, ‘algebra’ would turn up the topmost task on the list, but ‘math’ would return blank. Said tags can be selected from a tag cloud below, though, or used in a more advanced filter.
Collections, defined by a number of common tag denominators, can be saved as an always-updating tab at the top of the Reddynote interface. Collections like ‘family’, ‘work’ and ‘play’ put you yet a bit closer to organizing your task list. A ’shared’ tag also allows you to collaborate inter-task-wise with other Reddynote users.

Adding & Organizing Tasks

There are two ways to add another task to Reddynote. The first, and far most easy way is to use the quick entry feature. Using the Quick Entry field at the top left corner of the site, you can enter a number of tasks on the fly, without needing to supply any additional information. These tasks will all appear in your inbox, and can be supplied with tags, comments and a due date the next time you drop by.
The second, and most thorough way to add tasks is done right in your inbox, or from one of the other task collections.
Clicking on the little plus (+) icon will give you a pop-up to set up your task. Even better, if you happen to be browsing a specific set of tasks, it’ll automatically include said tags in the new task.
Take Reddynote for a spin here.


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