Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Access All Your Online Photos In One Place With Showzey

showzeylogoOK, so there are more than a few different places online to keep our photos.  You may have accounts on Flickr, Google Picasa, Facebook, and even your Gmail account.  One problem we run into is that our photos are scattered!  Sometimes it’s difficult to find something if you have forgotten where it was uploaded to in the first place.
Now we have a solution with Showzey.  Showzey is an online photo organizer that promises to “liberate” your photos by bringing them together in one place.  It helps you “take control of your photos.”  Basically, you give Showzey access to your photo services (including photos in your email) and Showzey brings them all together for you in one place.

Although this article will be introducing you to this online photo organizer service and walking you through the photo importing process, Showzey also sports many very cool tools.  For more information about what Showzey can do, check out the FAQ and some video tutorials.

Select The Services To Import Photos From

online photo organizer
After I clicked on the “Get Started” button, a window pops up asking which services I’d like to import photos from.  The services listed are Google Mail, Facebook, Google Web Picasa, and Flickr Photo Sharing.  I have tested Picasa and Flickr but not Facebook or Google Mail.

Begin The Connecting Process

I began the connecting process by connecting my Flickr account to Showzey.  Once clicking “connect“, I got a message telling me what was going to happen (I will be asked to allow Showzey to use Yahoo! OpenID to log into Showzey AND to allow Showzey to interact with my Flickr account).
Agreeing to continue with the process, I clicked “OK” and was ushered on.

Allow Yahoo! ID To Sign You Into Showzey

Clicking “OK” at this point certifies that I agree with Yahoo’s Terms Of Service and Showzey’s policy.  If you have any question as to what each of those say, there is a link to each at this stage.

Authorize Showzey To Link To Your Flickr account

There are three specific actions that Showzey will be authorized to do: access a Flickr account; upload, edit and replace photos; and interact with other members’ photos and videos.  Realize that if you ever delete your Showzey account, you’ll also want to remove permissions in your Flickr settings from Showzey.  Also realize that other photo services are just as easy as granting access to Flickr.

Check Out All Of Your Photos

When I was done granting access to all of my photo services, I was given a link to access all of my photos.
From here I was able to see all of my photos in one place, just as Showzey promised.  As you can see Showzey gives quite a few options to view, tag, mark, save in sets, share, save and copy them to another service.
It would be good to note again that if you use Showzey, you ARE giving them access to your other services.  When you give a tool access to something, like your Flickr account, you are trusting them with your information.  Read their policies before beginning and make sure you trust them.
What online photo organizers do you use to keep track of all of your photos online?  How about offline?  Share in the comments!


Thank you very much for reviewing our service.

We are constantly improving the service and rolling out new features (for example, in few days we will roll out password-less Gmail authentication, we adding deletion of photos, iPad support, etc). This just a beginning.

So if you have some ideas what Showzey should implement, please submit your feedback at

Also, please check our blog at:
You can also follow on Twitter at or check out our Facebook page at

Peace :)


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