Saturday, February 13, 2010

Revolutionary Desktop Environment!

KDE 4.4 has just been released. For those of you who haven’t heard of it, it’s an abbreviation for the K Desktop Environment. KDE is a popular Linux desktop environment designed for easy-of-use and functionality.
It comes with new features, mimicking the Windows 7 “Snap” Feature and unique tabbed window groups.

KDE 4.4 brings revolutionary new window management features, akin to the release of tabbed web browsing.
You can have different applications grouped together in the tabs, for example when creating a slideshow, you might have:
  • Slideshow Application-To make the slideshow
  • Web Browser-Research for Slideshow
  • Tetris-To play when you’re bored with making the slideshow.
Here’s an example of the new netbook edition:
I invite everyone to try out the new KDE. It’s fantastic.
For more info, see or


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