Sunday, February 7, 2010

How I Wish The iPad Could Look Like This

As a self-proclaimed Apple fanboy, I must say that I have always been quite satisfied with Apple products, especially the iPhone 3Gs and iMac 27-inch. But this time is an exception. The iPad has brought huge chagrin to many Apple geeks out there — no camera, no flash support, no multitasking, you name it all. It even has an unfortunate name that instantly inspires juvenile titters. “iSlate” sounds much better.
Before its launch, dozens of tablet concepts have been surfacing on the web. This has sparked off excitement among the Apple community. People expect Steve Jobs and Co. would come up with a tablet device that could potentially sell off as well as the iPhone. However, to their dismay, the iPad more of an epic fail rather than a must-have gadget. It was so poorly received by critics for its shortcomings, and I believe Apple took the designs back to the drawing board.

Meanwhile, Fusion Garage’s JooJoo has seen its pre-orders skyrocketing soon after the launch of the iPad. Undoubtedly, there are people who would still purchase the iPad because of its unbelievable price (starting from $499) and excellent compatibility with most iPhone apps.
The iPad has a lot of room for improvement and I hope that the folks over at Apple would not disappoint us again for the iPad 2nd generation.
Patrycjusz Brzezinski has designed a tablet concept that is so close to what became the iPad, yet so very much more better. Featuring a sleek hardware of just 7mm in thickness, the MacView has a 1152×720 LED touchscreen display and dimensions of 15 x 24 cm. Unlike the iPad which a single slab of aluminum and glass that looks like a large iPhone, Brzezinski’s MacView is made up of a light and sturdy outer carbon shell.
What’s impressive is that it even comes with an additional slide panel that displays a full-sized virtual keyboard when pulled out. Some more treasures you can find in MacView include a massive 4GB RAM and 1TB SSD. The sleek device even runs on the Mac OS X operating system (although it would be better if it’s powered on the iPhone OS because of its simplicity). Well, all these specifications (especially the 1TB SSD) will definitely cost a bomb but at least its interface is aesthetically pleasing. It would be great if Steve Jobs were to hire Brzezinski, and turn his tablet concept into a real one for the iPad second generation.
I know Apple wouldn’t come out with such sort of tablet because of the pricing of certain hardware and the fact that it runs on the full Mac OS X, which makes the tablet look more complicated than it should be. That’s why I can only imagine and not touching it with my bare hands.


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